Crawford Visit

img_1435 First expedition of the visit, down to Renton where Martin works. His office is just off the right side of the picture. Here Gavin shows Barbara and Bill the...
First expedition of the visit, down to Renton where Martin works. His office is just off the right side of the picture. Here Gavin shows Barbara and Bill the…
img_1436 Nice boots kiddo!
Nice boots kiddo!
img_1441 And then it's on to the really cool playground on the other side of the bridge. First up is the spiral slide.
And then it's on to the really cool playground on the other side of the bridge. First up is the spiral slide.
img_1447 Time to head down the wet, wet slide.
Time to head down the wet, wet slide.
img_1448 Gavin looking cute.
Gavin looking cute.
img_1452 Taking Grandma up on the playground toys. This park has a pretty sweet collection of gizmos to play on.
Taking Grandma up on the playground toys. This park has a pretty sweet collection of gizmos to play on.
img_1453 Grandma has a little better luck than Grandpa on the bouncy bridge. Or is it Gavin that has better luck?
Grandma has a little better luck than Grandpa on the bouncy bridge. Or is it Gavin that has better luck?
img_1457 Ain't they cute?
Ain't they cute?
img_1458 And now, superduck.
And now, superduck.
img_1468 Who's awake?
Who's awake?
img_1476 Gavin's favorite activity at Martha Washington Park - tossing rocks into Lake Washington. Can you spot the rock?
Gavin's favorite activity at Martha Washington Park - tossing rocks into Lake Washington. Can you spot the rock?