Gavin and Zoe sliding on the gravel road below our cabin where a trickle of water has turned into a solid sheet of ice.
Zoe plays one of her only basketball games ever. It did not go well.
Kathryn going a little nuts organizing and labeling.
Ball control drill at Eagleclaw FC practice at Starfire. Zoe is in the left group.
Careful when running on Squak Mountain! I almost ran directly into this spiky critter as I went around some trees while descending Phil's Creek trail.
He/she was in no hurry to move along so I hung out for a few minutes until the trail was clear.
The Thurgood Marshall cat who likes to hang out near the front door to greet visitors.
Zoe, Gavin and Aidan clearly using this playground toy as designed.
Zoe strolling down what appears to be a zombie-attacked Thurgood Marshall elementary.
HOLY CRAP! A 210?!? No open frames? No idea where this game came from since I bowl at most once a year. I guess those two semesters of bowling class at…
Zoe riding Rachel the Pike Place Market piggybank.
Somebody definitely needs a haircut. What's up with the mini-jail off to the left?!