Eagleclaw Soccer

Zoe's played with a new team this year called Eagleclaw. She's decided she loves playing goalie despite her parents' hopes that she'd play out on the field more.
img_8231 Pregame huddle with Reign FC player coach.
Pregame huddle with Reign FC player coach.
img_8232 Zoe ready on D with Priyanka.
Zoe ready on D with Priyanka.
2015-03-15 11.39.46 Huddled under the umbrella on a cold, wet day.
Huddled under the umbrella on a cold, wet day.
img_8342 And in goal. Looking a little bored here, but she had plenty of excitement.
And in goal. Looking a little bored here, but she had plenty of excitement.
2015-08-05 13.06.25
2015-08-05 13.07.19
2015-08-20 16.53.18
2015-11-08 11.34.08