
subsun This was a wild phenomenon called a subsun we spotted at the top of Alpental. That bright area above the snow actually looked like that in real life. Never seen...
This was a wild phenomenon called a subsun we spotted at the top of Alpental. That bright area above the snow actually looked like that in real life. Never…
kate and subsun
Gavin - Garfield Senior pic Gavin's Garfield Hish School senior portrait
Gavin's Garfield Hish School senior portrait
house drone3 Drone shot of our house during the front yard reboot. The guy who used the crazy machine he towed to grind out a stump in the lower right totally randomly...
Drone shot of our house during the front yard reboot. The guy who used the crazy machine he towed to grind out a stump in the lower right totally randomly…
house drone4 The drone is way up high now, allowing us to peek into all our neighbors' back yards.
The drone is way up high now, allowing us to peek into all our neighbors' back yards.
Kayak Point disc golf crew Old dudes lunching during a disc golf day up at Kayak Point Disc Golf Resort.
Old dudes lunching during a disc golf day up at Kayak Point Disc Golf Resort.
Zoe and Mama Italian hospital reunion Kathryn meeting up with Zoe in an Italian hospital after a very rough week for Zoe.
Kathryn meeting up with Zoe in an Italian hospital after a very rough week for Zoe.
Gavin-Saxer-Carleton-OneCard Gavin before heading off to Carleton.
Gavin before heading off to Carleton.
2022-02-22 14.19.52 Gavin and Zoe touring the Western Washington campus.
Gavin and Zoe touring the Western Washington campus.
2022-03-26 10.26.18 UW Admitted Student Day madness. This crowd and how overful all the sessions were a big part of why Gavin chose to go Carleton instead of UW.
UW Admitted Student Day madness. This crowd and how overful all the sessions were a big part of why Gavin chose to go Carleton instead of UW.
2022-03-26 10.39.56 The cherry blossoms out in full force on the Quad.
The cherry blossoms out in full force on the Quad.
2022-03-26 10.41.12
2022-05-07 12.48.46 Rock climbing with POST84
Rock climbing with POST84
2022-06-15 12.31.10
2022-07-04 19.22.33 Franklin Falls with some remnants of avalanche debris from a couple winters ago.
Franklin Falls with some remnants of avalanche debris from a couple winters ago.
2022-07-04 19.22.35
2022-07-15 04.55.57
2022-08-24 16.33.25
2022-09-08 17.08.50 Zoe showing off her white Garfield kit
Zoe showing off her white Garfield kit
2022-09-08 17.08.53